Eva's adventure: Leading the way in sustainable travel


In an era where climate change and environmental concerns are at the forefront of global conversations, eco-consciousness has become a crucial topic, especially in the realm of travel. Meet Eva, a 36-year-old former finance and accounting professional from Germany, who has embraced the path of eco-friendly travels. “I am Eva, 36 years old from Germany. I have a finance and accounting background but left the corporate world three years ago to travel full-time,” she begins, her enthusiasm palpable.

Eva’s journey into sustainable travel started back in 2014 when she embarked on her first backpacking trip to Thailand. “I was always curious about other cultures, and when I went on my first backpacking trip to Thailand, I totally fell in love with the country. I have been returning almost every year ever since,” she recalls. This initial trip sparked a passion for exploration and a deep appreciation for the natural beauty of our planet.

Three years ago, Eva discovered the art of drone photography, a hobby that has since become a significant part of her travels. “I discovered drone photography soon three years ago and absolutely love the perspective from above. It never gets boring,” she shares with a smile. Through her lens, Eva captures breathtaking views of untouched landscapes, promoting eco-friendly destinations and inspiring others to appreciate and protect these precious environments.

The purpose of this interview is to delve into Eva’s insights on eco-consciousness and how travelers can make more sustainable choices. In a world increasingly aware of climate changes and their impacts, Eva’s story serves as a guide for those looking to embark on eco-friendly adventures. “Eco consciousness is not just a trend; it’s a necessary shift in how we explore the world,” she emphasizes.

Eva about sustainable travel

Embracing the nomadic life and eco-consciousness

Eva’s journey into the world of digital nomadism and content creation began during a transformative six-month trip to Thailand in the fall of 2021. “When I left for my 6 months trip to Thailand in the fall of 2021, I met so many inspiring people living nomadically, and everyone had a different business model. That made me realize what’s possible and that I want to live this lifestyle as well,” she shares.

This experience opened her eyes to the myriad of possibilities that a nomadic lifestyle could offer, leading her to sublease her apartment in Germany and sell everything in 2022. Since then, she has been traveling extensively across Southeast Asia, embracing the freedom and flexibility of life on the road, offering valuable insights on how decluttering your life can lead to more meaningful and environmentally-friendly travel experiences.

Growing up, eco-consciousness was a fundamental part of Eva’s upbringing. “I grew up in a household where eco-consciousness was always a topic. Saving electricity, recycling, or taking your bike instead of a car,” she recalls. This early exposure to eco-friendly practices laid the groundwork for her later decisions. In 2013, Eva became a vegetarian, and by 2015, she transitioned to a vegan lifestyle. “Mainly for the animals, but of course also with the positive effect for our planet earth in mind as well,” she explains. This personal commitment to sustainability naturally extended into her travels and work.

When asked about a specific moment that solidified her dedication to eco-consciousness, Eva reflects on her experiences traveling slowly around Southeast Asia. “Not necessarily a certain moment. When you travel slowly around Southeast Asia, you see a lot of problems that come with tourism but also with the lack of infrastructure in the country itself,” she notes. These observations fueled her determination to focus on sustainable travel, both personally and professionally.

Eva’s dedication to eco-friendly travel is evident in her content and the way she engages with her audience. Through her blog Eva and the Planet and Instagram handle @evaandtheplanet, she shares tips and stories about eco-conscious travel. Her goal is to inspire others to explore the world while minimizing their environmental impact. “Eco-consciousness is not just about making a statement; it’s about making a tangible difference,” she emphasizes.

Drone photographing

Daily eco-conscious practices and tips for aspiring nomads

Living as a digital nomad comes with its own set of challenges, but for Eva, maintaining eco-conscious practices is a non-negotiable part of her daily routine. “I think the easiest step we all can take is to get a reusable bottle and refill water,” she suggests. Despite the occasional necessity of buying a water bottle, Eva emphasizes the importance of refilling whenever possible, often relying on large 20-liter jugs in her guesthouses.

Her commitment to reducing single-use plastic extends beyond water. “Eating local and trying to avoid single-use plastic helps a lot,” she adds, highlighting simple yet impactful ways to integrate eco-friendly habits into everyday life.

Traveling slowly and using less transportation is another cornerstone of Eva’s eco-conscious lifestyle. By spending more time in fewer places, she not only reduces her carbon footprint but also fosters a deeper connection with the local culture and environment. “Travel slow and use less transportation because of this lifestyle,” she advises, underscoring the benefits of a more deliberate pace of travel.

For those just starting out as digital nomads and eager to embrace eco-consciousness, Eva’s advice is both practical and inspirational. “As a new nomad, if you’re trying to figure out what to do work-wise, honestly follow your heart and choose a topic that you’re knowledgeable in and have a passion for so you never run out of ideas for content or products,” she encourages. Authenticity is key, not only for personal fulfillment but also for building genuine connections and potential collaborations with brands.

When it comes to eco-conscious practices, every small step counts. “Having that reusable water bottle or eating at local restaurants and guesthouses can help a lot,” Eva points out. Supporting local businesses is a way to make a positive impact on the communities where you stay, even if it feels like a small gesture. “Even though it looks like you’re doing nothing, you are supporting the locals in the place you’re currently staying at,” she emphasizes.

For those who worry that sustainable travel might compromise the spirit of adventure, Eva offers reassuring tips. “As mentioned above, stay local, eat local, travel like a local. Travel slow and choose fewer destinations, staying longer in one country,” she advises. This approach not only supports eco-consciousness but also enriches the travel experience. “Don’t just chase after all those bucket list places you saw online,” she cautions, encouraging travelers to seek out authentic, meaningful experiences over mere photo opportunities.

Eva’s insights provide a valuable roadmap for anyone looking to balance the thrill of travel with a commitment to eco-consciousness. Her journey is a testament to the idea that being eco-friendly doesn’t mean sacrificing adventure—it means enriching it in ways that benefit both the traveler and the planet.

Aligning business with eco-conscious values

For Eva, ensuring that her business operations reflect her eco-conscious values is a work in progress. When it comes to partnerships and brand deals, she is highly selective. “I don’t have much insight yet, but for brand deals, I would only work with brands that truly align with my values and no big brands that do a lot of green washing,” she asserts.

This commitment to authenticity and integrity means Eva carefully chooses collaborations that genuinely support sustainability, avoiding companies that merely pay lip service to eco-consciousness.

Eva’s travels have taken her to numerous destinations, but she finds particular joy in the eco-friendly opportunities in Southeast Asia. “I think every country can be eco-friendly.

But if you eat vegan/veggie, I think Southeast Asia is one of the best regions for adventure travel and having enough food options,” she shares. The abundance of plant-based cuisine and the region’s natural beauty make it a standout choice for eco-conscious travelers.

When it comes to eco-friendly products, Eva has a few favorites that she never travels without. “I love shampoo and soap bars. I recently started using period underwear, and I think this is a true gamechanger,” she reveals. These products not only reduce plastic waste but also provide practical and sustainable solutions for everyday needs while on the road.

Eva and her drone

Engaging with local communities

Engagement with local communities is a cornerstone of Eva’s travel philosophy. By staying in locally run guesthouses, she immerses herself in the culture and gains a deeper understanding of the challenges these communities face. “I stay mostly in locally run guesthouses and love to learn about their cultures and the problems the communities are facing,” she explains. This approach not only supports local economies but also fosters a meaningful exchange of eco-conscious practices and ideas.

Eva’s journey illustrates that eco-conscious travel is about making mindful choices that benefit both the traveler and the destinations they visit. From selective brand partnerships to embracing local cultures, her story serves as an inspiring example of how to travel responsibly and sustainably.

Top 10 essential tips for sustainable travel

Eva’s journey through the world of eco-conscious travel has equipped her with valuable insights on how to minimize environmental impact while exploring new destinations. If she were to develop a list of top 10 essential tips for staying eco-conscious, especially while traveling, these key practices would top her list:

  1. Reusable water bottle: Always carry a reusable water bottle to reduce the need for single-use plastic bottles. “I think the easiest step we all can take is to get a reusable bottle and refill water,” Eva advises.
  2. Stay with locals: Opt for accommodations run by local residents. This not only supports the local economy but also provides a more authentic travel experience. “I stay mostly in locally run guesthouses,” she notes.
  3. Eat at local restaurants: Dining at local eateries not only helps reduce your carbon footprint but also supports small businesses. “Eating local and trying to avoid single-use plastic helps a lot,” she adds.
  4. Use public transportation: Whenever possible, use public transport like buses and trains instead of taxis or rental cars. This helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. “Travel slow and use less transportation because of this lifestyle,” she emphasizes.
  5. Be mindful of single-use plastic: Avoid using single-use plastics by bringing reusable alternatives for items like straws, bags, and utensils. “Trying to avoid single-use plastic helps a lot,” Eva reiterates.
  6. Visit ethical wildlife sanctuaries: Only visit wildlife sanctuaries that have a strict no-touch policy to ensure the animals’ well-being. “Only visit wildlife sanctuaries that have a no-touch policy,” she insists.
  7. Respect marine life while snorkeling: When snorkeling, be careful not to step on corals or touch marine life. This helps preserve fragile underwater ecosystems. “While snorkeling, don’t step on corals and no touching of marine life,” she advises.
  8. Research animal watching activities: Do thorough research before participating in animal watching activities to ensure they are ethical and sustainable. “Really do your research for animal watching activities such as whale sharks, dolphins, elephants,” Eva warns. “There are a lot of shady tour operators out there.”
  9. Never ride an elephant: Riding elephants is harmful to the animals and supports unethical practices. “Never ride an elephant,” she states firmly.
  10. Eat veggie: Adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet can significantly reduce your environmental footprint. “Eating vegan/veggie is one of the best regions for adventure travel and having enough food options,” she suggests.
Eva on the train

By incorporating these practices, travelers can contribute to a more sustainable and eco-conscious way of exploring the world, making a positive impact on both the environment and local communities.

Eva’s journey from a corporate life in Germany to becoming a full-time traveler and eco-conscious advocate is a testament to the power of passion and mindfulness. Her story is a beacon of inspiration for those who wish to explore the world while leaving a minimal environmental footprint. Through her thoughtful practices and dedication to sustainable travel, she shows us that every small step counts.

From carrying a reusable water bottle to staying with locals and eating at local restaurants, Eva has integrated eco-conscious habits into every aspect of her nomadic lifestyle. Her emphasis on ethical wildlife tourism and reducing single-use plastics highlights the importance of making informed and responsible choices. By promoting eco-friendly destinations and products, she encourages us to see the beauty in sustainable living.

Eva’s advice to aspiring digital nomads is both practical and heartfelt. She stresses the importance of authenticity in work and the power of small actions in making a significant impact. “As a new nomad, if you’re trying to figure out what to do work-wise, honestly follow your heart and choose a topic that you’re knowledgeable in and have a passion for,” she advises. Her own journey is a perfect example of how passion can drive meaningful change.

When asked if she had a message for the world, Eva’s response was simple yet profound: “Enjoy life, it’s short and you never know what might happen tomorrow. Don’t be too hard on yourself to be the perfect vegan or perfect eco-conscious person. If everyone would do something, the world would already be a very different place.”

Eva with puppies

Eva’s words remind us that eco-consciousness is not about perfection but about making conscious choices and taking steps, no matter how small, toward a more sustainable future. Her story is a call to action for all travelers and global citizens to embrace eco-consciousness and make a difference in their own unique ways.

As we reflect on Eva’s remarkable journey, let us draw inspiration from her adventures and strive to make a positive impact through our own travels. Eva’s path teaches us the importance of treading lightly on this earth, embracing sustainable practices, and nurturing the communities we encounter along the way. By choosing eco-friendly options, supporting local businesses, and respecting the natural beauty around us, we honor not only our planet but also the rich tapestry of cultures that make it so vibrant.

Eva’s experiences remind us that travel is not just about seeing new places; it’s about forming connections, understanding different perspectives, and leaving a gentle footprint wherever we go. Her journey is a testament to the fact that each of us holds the power to contribute to a healthier, more sustainable world. When we choose to travel with intention, we preserve the breathtaking landscapes and diverse ecosystems for future generations to cherish.

Let us commit to traveling with heart and purpose, recognizing that every small effort counts. From reducing our carbon footprint to participating in local conservation efforts, we can all play a part in safeguarding our planet’s treasures. Together, we can create a world where eco-friendly travel is not merely a passing trend but a deeply ingrained way of life—a legacy of care and respect for our beautiful, shared home.

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