How to Make a Podcast on Spotify: 9 Steps to Start

Austin Distel / Unsplash

Hello, fellow wanderlusters and digital nomads! I’m Lorena, your go-to gal for all things travel and tech. If you’re like me, you probably love tuning into a good podcast on Spotify while jet-setting around the globe. There’s just something magical about listening to inspiring stories and valuable tips while soaking up the sights and sounds of a new destination. So, why not share your own adventures and insights with the world?

In this vibrant, bustling world of digital nomads, knowing how to start a podcast on Spotify can be a game-changer. Imagine recording your thoughts on a sun-soaked beach in Bali, editing your episodes in a cozy café in Paris, and uploading your latest masterpiece from a mountaintop in Peru. It’s not just a dream; it’s totally doable!

We’re going to dive into the nitty-gritty of how to create a podcast on Spotify, and trust me, it’s easier than you think. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or just starting your nomadic journey, sharing your experiences through a podcast can be incredibly rewarding. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to connect with like-minded individuals across the globe.

In this article, we’ll walk through 9 steps to start your very own podcast on Spotify. From brainstorming your Spotify podcast idea to hitting that publish button, I’ve got you covered. So, grab your microphone, put on your creative hat, and let’s get started on this exciting adventure of starting a podcast on Spotify. Ready? Let’s go!

Ready to dive into the world of podcasting and share your voice with the world? Here are the top 9 steps to start your very own Spotify podcast. Let’s get started!

  1. Define your Spotify podcast concept
  2. Choose a catchy name
  3. Get the right equipment
  4. Plan your episodes
  5. Record your first episode
  6. Edit your recording
  7. Create eye-catching cover art
  8. Host your podcast
  9. Submit your podcast to Spotify

For a detailed breakdown of each step, check out the next segment where we dive into the specifics of launching your Spotify podcast journey.

Interesting podcast ideas
Eddie Pipocas / Unsplash

How to Make a Podcast on Spotify?

So, you’ve decided to join the ranks of podcasters and share your stories with the world. Fantastic choice! In this segment, we’ll break down each of the 9 steps to get you from idea to airwaves on Spotify. Whether you’re wondering how to start a podcast on Spotify, looking for practical tips on how to create a podcast on Spotify, or simply curious about the process of starting a podcast on Spotify, we’ve got you covered.

1. Define Your Podcast Concept

The first step in how to make a podcast on Spotify is to define your podcast concept. This foundational step sets the tone for your entire series and helps attract the right audience. Here’s how to do it:

Identify Your Niche

Consider what you’re passionate about and where your expertise lies. The more specific your niche, the easier it will be to attract and retain a dedicated audience. Are you sharing travel stories, offering digital nomad tips, or exploring a unique hobby?

  • Practical Tip: Write down a list of topics you love talking about and then narrow it down to one or two that you can consistently create content around.

Know Your Audience

Understanding who your audience is will help tailor your content to their interests and needs. Think about their demographics, interests, and problems they need solving.

  • Practical Tip: Create an audience persona—a detailed profile of your ideal listener, including age, interests, and what they seek in a Spotify podcast.

Define Your Format

Decide on the format of your podcast. Will it be interviews, solo episodes, storytelling, or a mix? Your format should align with your concept and what’s feasible for you to produce regularly.

Practical Tip: Outline your first few episodes, deciding on the structure and flow of each one. This will give you a clear direction from the start.

Choose a Name

Your Spotify podcast name should be catchy, memorable, and relevant to your content. It’s the first thing potential listeners will see, so make it count.

  • Practical Tip: Brainstorm a list of names and then check for their availability on Spotify and social media platforms to ensure you’re not overlapping with existing shows.

By clearly defining your Spotify podcast concept, you’ll have a solid foundation to build upon, making the subsequent steps in how to create a podcast on Spotify much smoother. Ready to move on? Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of choosing the perfect name in the next section!

2. Choose a Catchy Name

Once you’ve nailed down your podcast concept, the next crucial step in how to make a podcast on Spotify is to choose a catchy and memorable name. Your podcast name is your first impression and can significantly impact your success in attracting listeners. Here’s how to get it right:

Reflect Your Content

Your podcast name should clearly reflect the content and theme of your show. It should give potential listeners a hint of what to expect.

  • Practical Tip: List keywords related to your topic and brainstorm names that incorporate these words. This helps in making your Spotify podcast more discoverable.

Keep It Simple and Memorable

A name that’s easy to remember and spell will stick in the minds of potential listeners. Avoid complicated words or phrases that might confuse or deter your audience.

  • Practical Tip: Test your name by saying it out loud and asking friends if they can spell it after hearing it. This ensures clarity and ease of remembrance.
Podcasting as a hobby
Juja Han / Unsplash

Check Availability

Before settling on a name, ensure it’s not already in use by another podcast, especially on Spotify. This prevents potential legal issues and confusion.

  • Practical Tip: Search Spotify and other podcast platforms to ensure your name isn’t taken. Also, check the availability of the corresponding domain name and social media handles for branding purposes.

Consider SEO

Incorporating relevant keywords can help your Spotify podcast show up in search results. Think about what your audience might type into the search bar when looking for content like yours.

  • Practical Tip: Use SEO tools to identify popular keywords in your niche and try to include them in your podcast name without sacrificing creativity and originality.

Think About the Future

Choose a name that won’t limit you as your podcast evolves. Avoid names tied to specific dates, trends, or overly narrow topics unless you’re sure you’ll stick with them long-term.

  • Practical Tip: Envision your podcast in five years and ask yourself if the name will still be relevant and appropriate as your content grows and changes.

By carefully considering these aspects, you’ll be well on your way to effectively starting a podcast on Spotify with a name that draws in listeners and sets the stage for your brand. With a solid concept and a catchy name, you’re building a strong foundation in how to create a podcast on Spotify. Ready for the next step? Let’s dive into getting the right equipment in our next section!

3. Get the Right Equipment

Now that you have a defined concept and a catchy name, it’s time to equip yourself for recording. Having the right gear is essential in how to make a podcast on Spotify because high-quality audio is key to attracting and retaining listeners. Let’s dive into what you need and how to get it right:


A good microphone is the cornerstone of podcasting equipment. It can make the difference between sounding professional and amateurish.

  • Practical Tip: Invest in a quality USB microphone like the Audio-Technica ATR2100x or Blue Yeti. These are user-friendly, relatively affordable, and deliver excellent sound quality.


Using headphones while recording helps you monitor audio quality and catch any issues in real-time.

  • Practical Tip: Choose closed-back headphones to avoid sound leakage into your microphone. Models like the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x are popular among podcasters for their reliability and sound clarity.

Pop Filter

A pop filter helps reduce the harshness of plosive sounds (like ‘p’ and ‘b’ sounds), ensuring a smoother audio output.

  • Practical Tip: Attach a pop filter to your microphone stand. They are inexpensive and can significantly improve your recording quality.

Boom Arm or Microphone Stand

A boom arm or adjustable microphone stand helps position your microphone correctly and reduces handling noise.

  • Practical Tip: Use a boom arm like the Heil Sound PL-2T to keep your microphone stable and at the right height, making it more comfortable to record for extended periods.

Audio Interface (Optional)

If you opt for an XLR microphone instead of a USB microphone, you’ll need an audio interface to connect it to your computer.

  • Practical Tip: Consider interfaces like the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, which are known for their ease of use and high audio quality.

Recording Software

To capture your Spotify podcast audio, you’ll need reliable recording software. There are many free and paid options available.

  • Practical Tip: Start with free software like Audacity or GarageBand (for Mac users). Both are beginner-friendly and offer robust features for recording and editing.

Acoustic Treatment

Reducing echo and background noise is crucial for a professional-sounding podcast. You don’t need a fancy studio, but some basic acoustic treatment can help.

  • Practical Tip: Record in a quiet room with soft furnishings to minimize echo. You can also hang blankets or invest in foam panels to absorb sound.
Recording a podcast
Dlxmedia Hu / Unsplash

Backup Storage

Ensuring you have enough storage for your recordings and backups is essential to prevent data loss.

  • Practical Tip: Use an external hard drive or cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox to keep your files safe and accessible.

By assembling the right equipment, you’re setting the stage for high-quality audio production, which is crucial in how to create a podcast on Spotify. This investment in gear will pay off in listener satisfaction and the overall success of your podcast. Ready for the next step? Let’s move on to planning your episodes in the next section on starting a podcast on Spotify!

4. Plan Your Episodes

With your equipment ready, the next step in how to make a podcast on Spotify is to plan your episodes. Proper planning ensures that your content is engaging, coherent, and consistent. Here’s how to effectively plan your Spotify podcast episodes:

Define Your Episode Structure

Having a clear structure for each episode helps maintain consistency and keeps your audience engaged. Decide on the segments or sections you want to include, such as an introduction, main content, interviews, and a closing.

  • Practical Tip: Create a template for your episodes that outlines the structure. This can include time stamps for each segment to help you stay on track during recording.

Outline Your Content

Before recording, outline what you want to cover in each episode. This helps you stay focused and ensures you cover all the key points.

  • Practical Tip: Write a bullet-point outline for each episode. This doesn’t need to be a full script, but it should include the main topics, questions, and any key phrases or calls to action.

Plan Your Episodes in Advance

Consistency is key to building a loyal audience. Plan your episodes ahead of time to ensure a steady release schedule.

  • Practical Tip: Create a content calendar that maps out your episodes for the next few months. This should include recording dates, editing deadlines, and publication dates.

Research Your Topics

In-depth research adds value to your Spotify podcast and helps establish your credibility. Gather information, statistics, and anecdotes related to your episode topics.

  • Practical Tip: Keep a research file for each episode where you store articles, notes, and references. This will make it easier to compile your thoughts and stay organized.

Include Engaging Elements

To keep your listeners hooked, include engaging elements such as interviews, listener questions, or fun segments.

  • Practical Tip: Plan guest interviews in advance and prepare a list of questions for your guests. This ensures smooth and engaging conversations.

Create a Hook for Each Episode

Start each episode with a hook that grabs your listeners’ attention. This could be a provocative question, an interesting fact, or a brief anecdote.

  • Practical Tip: Draft your hook while planning your episode. Make sure it’s compelling enough to keep listeners interested in the rest of the content.

Plan for Call-to-Actions

Encourage your listeners to engage with your content, whether it’s subscribing to your podcast, following you on social media, or visiting your website.

  • Practical Tip: Include clear call-to-actions in your episode outline. Place them strategically at the beginning, middle, or end of your episode to maximize listener engagement.

Monitor and Adapt

As you publish more episodes, pay attention to listener feedback and analytics. Use this information to refine your content and improve future episodes.

  • Practical Tip: Review your podcast analytics regularly to understand what works and what doesn’t. Adjust your planning and content strategy based on this data.

By meticulously planning your episodes, you ensure that each one is well-organized, engaging, and valuable to your listeners. This step is crucial in how to create a podcast on Spotify and will set you on the path to consistent, high-quality content. Ready to record your first episode? Let’s dive into the recording process in the next section on starting a podcast on Spotify!

Podcast ideas
Brandon / Unsplash

5. Record Your First Episode

Now that you’ve planned your episodes, it’s time to hit the record button. Recording your first episode is a significant milestone in how to make a podcast on Spotify. Let’s walk through the process step by step to ensure your recording is smooth and professional.

Set Up Your Recording Space

Your recording environment plays a crucial role in audio quality. Choose a quiet space with minimal background noise and good acoustics.

  • Practical Tip: Use a small, carpeted room with soft furnishings to absorb sound. If that’s not possible, hang blankets or foam panels to reduce echo.

Test Your Equipment

Before you start recording, make sure all your equipment is set up correctly and working properly. This includes your microphone, headphones, pop filter, and recording software.

  • Practical Tip: Do a test recording to check sound levels and ensure everything is working. Listen back to the test to adjust microphone placement and volume settings.

Warm Up Your Voice

Just like singers warm up before a performance, podcasters should warm up their voices to ensure clarity and reduce strain.

  • Practical Tip: Do vocal exercises such as humming, lip trills, and tongue twisters to get your voice ready for recording.

Follow Your Outline

Having an outline helps you stay on track and cover all the points you’ve planned. Keep your outline visible as you record to ensure you don’t miss anything.

  • Practical Tip: Highlight key points in your outline that you want to emphasize during the recording. This keeps you focused and ensures a smooth flow.

Maintain a Steady Pace

Speaking too quickly or too slowly can affect the quality of your Spotify podcast. Aim for a natural, conversational pace that’s easy for listeners to follow.

  • Practical Tip: Practice your pacing by reading parts of your outline aloud before recording. Use a metronome app if needed to help maintain a steady pace.

Monitor Your Audio

As you record, keep an eye on your recording levels to avoid clipping (distortion caused by too high volume) and ensure clear audio.

  • Practical Tip: Keep your audio levels between -6dB and -12dB. This provides a good balance between loudness and headroom for editing.

Be Yourself

Authenticity resonates with listeners. Be yourself, speak naturally, and don’t be afraid to show your personality.

  • Practical Tip: Smile while you talk. It can actually make your voice sound warmer and more engaging.

Handle Mistakes Gracefully

Mistakes are inevitable, especially when you’re new to podcasting. If you stumble over words or lose your place, simply pause, take a breath, and start again from the last sentence or thought.

  • Practical Tip: Use hand signals or make a noticeable noise (like a clap) when you make a mistake. This makes it easier to spot and edit out errors later.

Backup Your Recording

Technical glitches happen. Always save and back up your recording immediately after you finish.

  • Practical Tip: Save your recording in multiple places, such as your computer’s hard drive and a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox.

Recording your first episode can be a bit daunting, but with careful preparation and these practical tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a high-quality Spotify podcast. This step is essential in how to create a podcast on Spotify and sets the foundation for your future episodes. Ready to polish your recording? Next, we’ll dive into the editing process in our guide to starting a podcast on Spotify!

6. Edit Your Recording

After recording your first episode, the next critical step in how to make a podcast on Spotify is editing. Editing enhances the audio quality, removes mistakes, and adds polish to your episode. Here’s how to effectively edit your Spotify podcast:

Choose Your Editing Software

Select a reliable editing software that suits your skill level and needs. There are many options available, ranging from beginner-friendly to advanced.

  • Practical Tip: Start with free software like Audacity (available for both Windows and Mac) or GarageBand (for Mac users). Both offer robust editing features suitable for beginners.

Import Your Recording

Load your recorded audio file into the editing software. This will be your primary workspace for making adjustments.

  • Practical Tip: Save a backup copy of your raw recording before you start editing. This ensures you always have the original file to revert to if needed.

Clean Up the Audio

Begin by cleaning up the audio. This involves removing background noise, reducing static, and normalizing volume levels.

Making a podcast
Haithem Ferdi / Unsplash
  • Practical Tip: Use noise reduction tools available in your editing software to minimize background noise. In Audacity, you can use the “Noise Reduction” effect for this purpose.

Remove Mistakes and Unwanted Sections

Listen through your recording and cut out any mistakes, long pauses, or sections that don’t add value. This keeps your episode concise and engaging.

  • Practical Tip: Highlight and delete unwanted sections using the selection tool in your software. Be careful to maintain natural transitions to avoid choppy edits.

Add Intro and Outro

Including a consistent intro and outro in each episode helps create a professional feel and brand your Spotify podcast.

  • Practical Tip: Record a standard intro and outro and save them as separate files. Import these files into each episode and place them at the beginning and end of your main content.

Insert Music and Sound Effects

Adding background music and sound effects can enhance the listening experience and keep your audience engaged.

  • Practical Tip: Use royalty-free music from sources like Free Music Archive or Incompetech. Ensure the volume of background music is low enough to not overpower your voice.

Equalize and Normalize Audio Levels

Equalization (EQ) adjusts the balance of different frequencies in your audio, making your voice sound clearer and more professional. Normalization ensures consistent volume levels throughout the episode.

  • Practical Tip: Apply EQ settings to enhance vocal clarity. Most software has presets for voice recordings. Normalize your audio to a standard level, such as -3dB, to ensure consistent volume.

Add Metadata

Metadata includes details like the episode title, description, and artwork. This information is important for organizing your podcast and making it easily discoverable on Spotify.

  • Practical Tip: Fill in all metadata fields accurately in your editing software. This can usually be done in the export settings or through a separate metadata editor.

Export Your Edited File

Once you’re satisfied with your edits, export the final version of your episode. Choose a file format and quality that is compatible with podcast hosting platforms.

  • Practical Tip: Export your file as an MP3 with a bitrate of 128 kbps or higher. This provides a good balance between file size and audio quality.

Listen to the Final Version

Before uploading, listen to the entire episode from start to finish. This helps catch any remaining issues and ensures the episode flows well.

  • Practical Tip: Use headphones for your final listen to catch details that might be missed with speakers. Make notes of any final tweaks needed and make those adjustments.

By carefully editing your recording, you ensure a high-quality listening experience, which is essential in how to create a podcast on Spotify. Proper editing not only polishes your content but also reflects your commitment to delivering professional and engaging episodes. Ready to make your Spotify podcast visually appealing? Let’s move on to creating eye-catching cover art in the next section on starting a podcast on Spotify!

7. Create Eye-Catching Cover Art

Creating compelling cover art is a crucial step in how to make a podcast on Spotify. Your cover art is the first thing potential listeners see, and it significantly impacts their decision to click on your podcast. Here’s how to design cover art that grabs attention and represents your brand effectively:

Understand Spotify’s Requirements

Spotify has specific requirements for podcast cover art. Ensuring your artwork meets these criteria is essential for successful submission.

  • Practical Tip: Create a square image with a resolution of 3000×3000 pixels. The file should be in JPEG or PNG format and under 500 KB in size.

Reflect Your Podcast’s Theme

Your cover art should visually convey the theme and tone of your podcast. Think about the colors, imagery, and style that best represent your content.

  • Practical Tip: Choose a color scheme and design elements that align with your podcast’s subject. For example, use travel-related imagery for a travel podcast or tech-inspired graphics for a tech podcast.

Keep It Simple and Readable

Since cover art often appears as a small thumbnail, simplicity and readability are key. Avoid cluttered designs and ensure any text is legible even at smaller sizes.

  • Practical Tip: Use bold, clear fonts for your podcast name and any other text. Stick to one or two fonts to keep the design clean and professional.

Include Your Podcast Name

Your podcast name should be prominently featured on the cover art. This helps listeners quickly identify your podcast and understand what it’s about.

  • Practical Tip: Position your podcast name centrally or at the top of the cover art to make it easily readable. Use contrasting colors to make the text stand out.

Use High-Quality Images

Ensure any images or graphics used in your cover art are high-resolution and professional. Poor-quality images can make your podcast look unprofessional.

  • Practical Tip: Use royalty-free images from reputable sources like Unsplash or Pexels, or consider hiring a graphic designer to create custom artwork.
Starting a podcast on Spotify
Austin Distel / Unsplash

Brand Consistency

If you have an existing brand or logo, incorporate it into your cover art. Consistency helps build brand recognition across different platforms.

  • Practical Tip: Include your podcast logo or a recognizable brand element to create a cohesive look. This reinforces your brand identity and makes your podcast more memorable.

Tools for Design

You don’t need to be a professional designer to create eye-catching cover art. Several user-friendly tools can help you design professional-quality artwork.

  • Practical Tip: Use design tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to create your cover art. These platforms offer templates and easy-to-use features that simplify the design process.

Test Your Design

Before finalizing your cover art, test it at different sizes to ensure it looks good as a thumbnail and at full size. This ensures your artwork remains effective across various platforms.

  • Practical Tip: Preview your cover art as a small icon and at full size to check for readability and visual appeal. Adjust any elements that don’t look right at smaller sizes.

Get Feedback

Seek feedback from friends, family, or colleagues to ensure your cover art is engaging and effectively communicates your podcast’s theme.

  • Practical Tip: Share your cover art drafts with a few trusted individuals and ask for their honest opinions. Use their feedback to make any necessary improvements.

Finalize and Save

Once you’re satisfied with your cover art, save the final version in the required format and resolution.

  • Practical Tip: Save multiple versions of your cover art, including the high-resolution original and a web-optimized version. This ensures you have the right file for any platform or use case.

Creating eye-catching cover art is a vital part of how to create a podcast on Spotify. It not only attracts potential listeners but also sets the visual tone for your podcast. With engaging and professional cover art, you’re well on your way to successfully starting a podcast on Spotify. Ready for the next step? Let’s explore how to host your podcast in the next section!

How to create a podcast on Spotify
Convertkit / Unsplash

8. Host Your Podcast

After crafting your podcast episodes and creating eye-catching cover art, the next step in how to make a podcast on Spotify is to host your podcast. Hosting is essential as it provides a place to store your audio files and generate an RSS feed, which is necessary for distribution to Spotify and other platforms. Here’s how to get started:

Choose a Podcast Hosting Platform

Selecting the right hosting platform is crucial. The host stores your podcast files and distributes them to various podcast directories, including Spotify.

  • Practical Tip: Research and compare hosting platforms like Anchor, Libsyn, Podbean, and Buzzsprout. Consider factors such as cost, storage limits, ease of use, and distribution capabilities.

Create an Account

Once you’ve chosen a hosting platform, sign up for an account. Most platforms offer a free trial or a basic free plan, which can be a good starting point.

  • Practical Tip: Take advantage of free trials to explore the features of different hosting platforms before committing to a paid plan.

Upload Your Episodes

With your account set up, you can start uploading your podcast episodes. Ensure each episode is properly edited and formatted as per the platform’s requirements.

  • Practical Tip: Tag your episodes with relevant metadata, including titles, descriptions, episode numbers, and artwork. This helps listeners and platforms understand the content of your episodes.

Generate Your RSS Feed

The RSS feed is a critical component in how to create a podcast on Spotify. It is an XML file that contains all your podcast information and is used by directories to update your podcast content.

  • Practical Tip: Verify that your hosting platform automatically generates an RSS feed and provides you with the URL. This feed will be submitted to Spotify and other directories.

Submit Your Podcast to Spotify

To get your podcast on Spotify, you need to submit your RSS feed through Spotify for Podcasters. This process allows Spotify to access your episodes and metadata.

  • Practical Tip: Create an account on Spotify for Podcasters and submit your RSS feed URL. Follow the instructions to complete the submission process. Spotify usually reviews and approves podcasts within a few days.

Optimize Episode Descriptions

Detailed and engaging episode descriptions help attract listeners and improve searchability. Include key points and highlights of each episode.

  • Practical Tip: Write clear, concise descriptions for each episode, incorporating relevant keywords. This not only informs potential listeners but also helps with SEO.

Schedule Your Episodes

Consistency is key in starting a podcast on Spotify. Schedule your episodes to release on a regular basis, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

  • Practical Tip: Use the scheduling features of your hosting platform to automate episode releases. This helps maintain a consistent publishing schedule, even when you’re busy.

Monitor Analytics

Most hosting platforms offer analytics that provide insights into listener behavior, episode performance, and audience demographics.

  • Practical Tip: Regularly review your podcast analytics to understand what’s working and what needs improvement. Use this data to tailor your content and marketing strategies.

Promote Your Podcast

Hosting your podcast is just the beginning. Actively promote your episodes through social media, your website, and other channels to grow your audience.

  • Practical Tip: Create a promotional plan for each episode. Share snippets, quotes, and engaging visuals on social media platforms. Engage with your audience to build a community around your podcast.

Backup Your Content

Always keep backups of your podcast episodes and related files. This ensures you don’t lose any content due to technical issues.

  • Practical Tip: Store backups in multiple locations, such as external hard drives and cloud storage services. This redundancy protects your content from data loss.

By effectively hosting your podcast, you ensure that your episodes are accessible to listeners on Spotify and other platforms. This step is fundamental in how to create a podcast on Spotify, providing the infrastructure needed for distribution and growth. Ready to get your podcast live on Spotify? Let’s move on to the next section, where we’ll cover how to submit your podcast to Spotify!

How to start a podcast on Spotify
Convertkit / Unsplash

9. Submit Your Podcast to Spotify

Now that your podcast is hosted and ready, the next essential step in how to make a podcast on Spotify is to submit your podcast to the platform. This process ensures your podcast is available to millions of Spotify users worldwide. Here’s how to do it:

Prepare Your Podcast for Submission

Before you submit, ensure all your podcast details are complete and accurate. This includes episode titles, descriptions, cover art, and metadata.

  • Practical Tip: Double-check your RSS feed for any errors or missing information. Your hosting platform should allow you to preview your feed and make necessary corrections.

Create an Account on Spotify for Podcasters

To submit your podcast, you need an account on Spotify for Podcasters. This free tool allows you to manage your podcast, view analytics, and update your content.

  • Practical Tip: Go to Spotify for Podcasters ( and sign up using your email or Spotify account. This will be your dashboard for managing your podcast on Spotify.

Submit Your RSS Feed

Once your account is set up, you can submit your podcast by providing your RSS feed URL. Spotify uses this feed to access your episodes and metadata.

  • Practical Tip: Copy your RSS feed URL from your hosting platform and paste it into the appropriate field on Spotify for Podcasters. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the submission.

Verify Ownership

Spotify will send a verification email to the email address associated with your RSS feed. This step ensures that you own the podcast and have the right to distribute it.

  • Practical Tip: Check your email (including your spam folder) for the verification message from Spotify. Click the verification link to confirm your ownership.

Complete Your Podcast Profile

After verification, you’ll need to fill out additional details about your podcast, such as the category, language, and country.

  • Practical Tip: Accurately categorize your podcast to ensure it reaches the right audience. Select the category that best represents your content to improve discoverability.

Wait for Approval

Spotify reviews new podcast submissions to ensure they meet the platform’s guidelines. This process typically takes a few days.

  • Practical Tip: Monitor your email for updates from Spotify regarding the status of your submission. While waiting, continue creating and planning new episodes.
How to make a podcast on Spotify
Alexander Shatov / Unsplash

Promote Your Podcast on Spotify

Once your podcast is approved, it will be live on Spotify. Now it’s time to promote it to attract listeners.

  • Practical Tip: Share your Spotify podcast link on social media, your website, and other platforms. Encourage your audience to follow your podcast on Spotify to stay updated with new episodes.

Utilize Spotify for Podcasters Tools

Spotify for Podcasters offers various tools and analytics to help you understand your audience and improve your content.

  • Practical Tip: Regularly check your analytics to see how your episodes are performing. Use this data to refine your content strategy and better cater to your listeners’ preferences.

Keep Your Feed Updated

As you release new episodes, your RSS feed will automatically update, ensuring that your latest content is available on Spotify.

  • Practical Tip: Consistently publish new episodes according to your schedule. Regular updates help maintain audience interest and grow your listener base.

Engage with Your Audience

Building a loyal audience involves engaging with your listeners. Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and create content that resonates with your audience.

  • Practical Tip: Encourage listener interaction by including calls-to-action in your episodes. Invite listeners to leave reviews, send questions, or interact with you on social media.

By successfully submitting your podcast to Spotify, you make your content accessible to a vast audience and take a significant step in how to create a podcast on Spotify. This process is crucial in starting a podcast on Spotify, ensuring your episodes are available to listeners globally. Ready for the final step? Let’s dive into how to promote your podcast effectively in the next section!

Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of our comprehensive guide on how to make a podcast on Spotify. From defining your concept and choosing a catchy name to recording, editing, and finally promoting your episodes, you’ve now got all the tools you need for starting a podcast on Spotify. Remember, it’s not just about getting started; it’s about consistently delivering quality content and engaging with your audience.

As you embark on this exciting journey of how to create a podcast on Spotify, remember to manage your time effectively, especially if you’re juggling multiple projects. Podcasting can be a fantastic way to share your stories and insights, but balancing it with other commitments is key to sustaining your creative energy.

Now, I’d love to hear from you! What’s the first topic you’re excited to podcast about? Have any tips or tricks of your own on how to start a podcast on Spotify? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts. Your feedback not only helps others but also enriches our podcasting community.

Happy podcasting, and I can’t wait to listen to your amazing stories on Spotify! 🎙️🌍

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