Meet Jan de Jong: Dutch Visionary Shaping Croatia's Future

source: Jan de Jong

In the evolving landscape of global entrepreneurship, few have made as profound an impact as Jan de Jong. His transformative influence on Croatia’s embrace of remote work and digital innovation is nothing short of revolutionary. But who is Jan de Jong? Let’s delve into his journey and uncover the story of the man driving this movement.

“I knew from a very young age that I wanted to become a successful entrepreneur,” Jan begins, his eyes gleaming with the same ambition that has propelled him forward from the start. Growing up in the Netherlands, he was instilled with a deep appreciation for punctuality and precision. “I would always show up on time, never be late for any meeting,” he recalls, a slight smile hinting at the cultural adjustments he encountered upon moving to Croatia.

Initially, the laid-back attitude towards timekeeping in Croatia was a source of frustration for Jan. “When I just started living in Croatia, I came to realize that many people here are less punctual than me,” he says with a laugh. However, rather than letting this difference hinder him, Jan chose to embrace it. Over time, he learned to accept and even appreciate the cultural nuances, recognizing that adaptability was a powerful asset in his entrepreneurial toolkit.

In the Netherlands, business meetings were often formal affairs, conducted in boardrooms with strict agendas. This all changed for Jan when he closed his first big deal in a coffee bar in Croatia. “It was a pivotal moment that taught me the value of flexibility and the importance of blending my Dutch business acumen with the more relaxed Croatian way of life,” he reflects. This experience underscored a crucial lesson: success in business often requires a balance between structure and adaptability.

“I have always seen my Dutch roots and the values that I have as strong assets in building my business,” Jan states with conviction. His journey from a disciplined, ambitious young entrepreneur in the Netherlands to a transformative figure in Croatia’s remote work revolution is a testament to his ability to thrive in diverse cultural environments.

Jan’s story is not merely a tale of business success; it’s a narrative of personal growth, cultural integration, and visionary leadership. His willingness to adapt and embrace new cultural contexts has been instrumental in his ability to drive change and inspire others. Through his story, Jan de Jong not only introduces himself but also serves as a beacon of inspiration for entrepreneurs worldwide. His journey encourages others to seek out new opportunities, embrace diverse ways of doing business, and remain resilient in the face of cultural and professional challenges.

source: Jan de Jong

Jan’s vision and adaptability have been the cornerstones of his success, paving the way for others to follow in his footsteps. In the beautiful and welcoming land of Croatia, he has created a space where innovation thrives and where others are inspired to pursue their own entrepreneurial dreams. Through his work, Jan de Jong has shown that with ambition, flexibility, and a deep respect for cultural differences, remarkable transformations are possible.

So, whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned business leader, or someone seeking inspiration, Jan de Jong’s journey offers valuable lessons and a powerful reminder of what can be achieved when we embrace change and pursue our dreams with unwavering determination.

The Beginning: Founding M+ Group and Balancing Life

Jan de Jong’s story is a testament to ambition, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of freedom—both in his personal and professional life. His journey offers invaluable insights into how to build a successful career while navigating the complexities of different cultures and markets.

Reflecting on the early days of his entrepreneurial journey, Jan’s face lights up with a mix of nostalgia and excitement. At just 22 years old, while still writing his graduation thesis, Jan made a life-altering decision to move to Croatia and start a contact center in Split. “Even though I was only 22 years old, when moving to Croatia to start a contact center based in Split, I actually had already five years of working experience,” he explains. This early exposure to the industry had equipped him with the knowledge and confidence needed to tackle such a bold venture.

Jan had always dreamed of building significant businesses, particularly in international markets. “I knew very well how to run and manage contact centers at that time and it had always been my dream to start big businesses, preferably abroad,” he says. This dream, combined with the perfect timing of his thesis, created a unique opportunity. “Having to write my final thesis was simply a perfect moment for me to start this venture,” he recalls, the excitement in his voice palpable.

His commitment to the venture was unwavering from the very beginning. “I was committed from day one that I arrived in Split, and it was always the goal to become market leader,” he adds with determination. Jan’s story of founding M+ Group while balancing academic responsibilities is a powerful example of seizing opportunities and committing fully to one’s goals. His journey is a vivid illustration of how preparation, timing, and unwavering dedication can converge to create extraordinary success.

Jan’s experiences offer a treasure trove of lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs. His story underscores the importance of early industry experience, the courage to take bold steps, and the power of unwavering commitment. It serves as a beacon for anyone looking to build a successful career, highlighting the significance of balancing ambition with adaptability and the pursuit of freedom in both personal and professional realms.

Jan de Jong’s journey continues to inspire, showing that with the right blend of vision, preparation, and determination, remarkable achievements are within reach. His success in founding M+ Group is just the beginning of a remarkable story that encourages others to pursue their dreams with passion and resilience.

A Journey of Freedom and Fulfillment

Balancing personal and professional lives is a challenge many entrepreneurs face, and Jan de Jong is no exception. For Jan and his wife, raising their family in a small town near Split has been a journey filled with both rewards and challenges. “Both my wife and I have an overwhelming feeling of gratitude that we are able to raise our family in a small town near Split, while both working (mostly) from home,” he shares. This lifestyle, which allows them to work without set hours, embodies the freedom Jan has always aimed for.

Jan’s approach to work and family life is a testament to his ability to integrate his professional ambitions with personal fulfillment. “Living and working like this definitely contributes to us having this feeling for freedom I always aimed for,” he reflects. This balance between work and family is not merely a logistical arrangement but a deliberate choice to prioritize what matters most.

The freedom to work from home and set his own hours has allowed Jan to be present for his family while continuing to drive his business ventures forward. This balance has created a unique environment where professional success and personal happiness coexist harmoniously. For Jan, this lifestyle is not just a goal achieved but an ongoing journey of maintaining equilibrium between his responsibilities as a father and his ambitions as an entrepreneur.

Jan’s story is not just about building a business; it’s about creating a life that reflects his values and aspirations. His journey offers a blueprint for others who seek to blend their professional goals with personal aspirations. It’s a reminder that true success is not solely measured by business achievements but also by the ability to live a fulfilling and balanced life.

For those looking to find this balance, Jan’s life serves as an inspiring example. It’s about making conscious choices, setting priorities, and being flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances. Jan’s experience shows that it is possible to achieve a sense of freedom and fulfillment, even in the midst of professional endeavors.

His story encourages others to seek out new horizons, embrace flexibility, and strive for a lifestyle that harmonizes work and personal life. By sharing his journey, Jan de Jong provides a motivational and practical framework for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of modern entrepreneurship while maintaining a rich and fulfilling personal life.

This balance between professional ambition and personal fulfillment is the cornerstone of Jan’s philosophy. It is this balance that has enabled him to create a life that is not only successful in the traditional sense but also deeply satisfying and rewarding. Through his experiences, Jan inspires others to pursue their dreams with the same dedication to both personal and professional growth, proving that it is possible to have the best of both worlds.

Revolutionizing the Workweek: Webpower Adria’s Four-Day Week

Nearly three years ago, Jan de Jong stumbled upon an article that would profoundly impact his approach to business. The article detailed Iceland’s public sector’s successful adoption of a four-day workweek, which led to increased productivity and happier employees. Inspired by this forward-thinking approach, Jan knew he wanted to implement the same at Webpower Adria. “When I read this, I knew I wanted the same for our company,” he recalls with enthusiasm.

The decision to introduce a four-day workweek, maintaining the same salary for a 32-hour workweek, proved to be one of the best strategic moves for Webpower Adria. The results were immediate and impressive. Productivity soared, employee satisfaction reached new heights, and there was a significant reduction in sick leave. “Since the introduction in September 2021, only one colleague has resigned,” Jan notes, a testament to the initiative’s success.

The benefits extended far beyond mere statistics. The company experienced a 50% decrease in sick leave, a clear indicator of the improved well-being of its employees. Moreover, the change attracted a wave of new talent, with a more than 100% increase in applications for job openings. This influx of applications allowed Webpower Adria to select the best candidates, further strengthening the company’s team.

Jan’s philosophy is simple yet powerful: “If you take good care of your team, your team will take good care of your clients.” This belief underscores the importance of employee well-being in achieving customer satisfaction. The happier and more motivated the employees, the better the service they provide to clients.

The transition to a four-day workweek was not just about reducing hours but about enhancing the quality of work life. Employees found themselves more rested, more focused, and more engaged in their tasks. This shift also fostered a culture of trust and respect, where employees felt valued and appreciated for their contributions.

Jan’s decision to adopt the four-day workweek was a bold move that required courage and vision. It challenged traditional notions of work and productivity, proving that a balanced work-life schedule can lead to outstanding business outcomes. His willingness to innovate and prioritize his team’s well-being reflects his commitment to creating a progressive and supportive work environment.

This inspiring transformation at Webpower Adria serves as a model for other businesses looking to enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Jan’s approach demonstrates that with the right mindset and a focus on people, it’s possible to achieve remarkable success while fostering a positive and healthy work culture.

Jan de Jong’s story with Webpower Adria is a compelling example of how innovative thinking and a genuine concern for employees can revolutionize a business. His leadership not only improved the lives of his team but also set a new standard for what is possible when companies prioritize the well-being of their workforce. It’s a powerful reminder that the future of work lies in balancing efficiency with empathy, productivity with purpose, and ambition with care.

source: Jan de Jong

Advocating for Change: Digital Nomad Visas in Croatia

Jan de Jong’s influence reached far beyond the confines of his company when he took a bold step to address a national challenge. In the wake of the economic impact of COVID-19 on Croatia’s vital tourism sector, Jan penned an open letter to Prime Minister Plenković. His proposal was clear and visionary: introduce digital nomad visas to attract remote workers to Croatia. This idea was more than just a reaction to the pandemic; it was a forward-thinking strategy to transform the nation’s economic landscape.

“It was at that moment that I realized that if you can work from home, or from anywhere, then why wouldn’t people consider working from Croatia?” Jan explains. His insight was rooted in the global shift towards remote work, a trend accelerated by the pandemic. Jan saw an opportunity to position Croatia as an ideal destination for remote professionals, leveraging its natural beauty, rich culture, and affordable living.

Jan’s advocacy was driven by a deep concern for his adopted country. With many young Croats leaving in search of opportunities abroad, he believed that attracting digital nomads could help reverse this brain drain. By welcoming remote workers from around the world, Croatia could boost its economy, foster cultural exchange, and retain its young talent. “Introducing a digital nomad visa was a good move for this country, giving it plenty of free promotion around the world as a digital nomad welcoming country, as well as an economic boost,” he states.

The impact of Jan’s open letter was immediate and significant. It sparked discussions at the highest levels of government and garnered widespread media attention. The introduction of the digital nomad visa not only provided an economic lifeline during a challenging time but also positioned Croatia as a progressive and innovative nation.

This initiative has brought a wave of entrepreneurial energy and creativity to Croatia. Digital nomads, with their diverse skills and global perspectives, have integrated into local communities, contributing to the economy and enriching the cultural fabric. The influx of remote workers has revitalized many areas, leading to new business opportunities and collaborations.

Jan’s vision for Croatia was not just about economic recovery; it was about creating a dynamic, inclusive future. His efforts have highlighted the importance of adaptability and innovation in the face of adversity. By advocating for digital nomad visas, Jan has demonstrated that bold ideas and decisive actions can drive positive change.

Jan de Jong’s story is a powerful example of how one individual’s vision can influence national policy and create lasting impact. His leadership and advocacy have set a new precedent for how countries can adapt to the changing dynamics of work and economy. It’s a testament to the power of innovative thinking and the impact of one person’s determination to make a difference.

Through his efforts, Jan has not only contributed to Croatia’s economic resilience but also inspired others to think creatively about the future. His story encourages us to look beyond immediate challenges and envision the possibilities that lie ahead. By embracing change and fostering innovation, we can create vibrant, thriving communities ready to meet the demands of the future.

source: Jan de Jong

The Impact of Digital Nomads on Local Communities

The presence of digital nomads has indeed transformed local communities in Croatia, infusing them with fresh energy and diverse perspectives. Jan de Jong envisions these remote workers as living proof to young Croats that they can pursue exciting careers without leaving their homeland. “Work is no longer a place, but something we do,” he asserts, emphasizing the shift in how work is perceived in the modern world. This new paradigm, embodied by the digital nomads, has the potential to inspire the younger generation to seek out and create opportunities within Croatia.

Jan hopes that the optimistic and adventurous spirit of digital nomads will have a ripple effect, encouraging young Croats to explore remote work possibilities and to innovate within their local context. The presence of these global professionals not only brings economic benefits but also fosters a culture of ambition and possibility. By seeing successful digital nomads working from Croatian cities and towns, young people are reminded that they, too, can achieve their professional dreams without needing to relocate abroad.

As the co-founder of DNA Croatia, Jan’s vision for the future of digital nomadism in the country is clear and purposeful. DNA Croatia was established to address the growing interest and inquiries from digital nomads around the world. Jan recognized the need for a supportive community to help these individuals integrate smoothly into Croatian life. “Nowadays, this community in Croatia has become bigger and more mature,” he notes with pride.

DNA Croatia has evolved to become a crucial part of the digital nomad ecosystem, fostering connections and providing essential resources. It serves as a bridge between the nomads and local communities, ensuring that the integration process is beneficial for both sides. The organization frequently collaborates with local tourist boards and other private initiatives, amplifying its efforts to build a strong, sustainable community.

These collaborations have helped to create a welcoming environment where digital nomads can thrive. Local businesses benefit from the increased patronage, while digital nomads enjoy the rich cultural experiences Croatia has to offer. This symbiotic relationship underscores the transformative power of global mobility and remote work.

Jan de Jong’s work with DNA Croatia is a testament to his commitment to fostering a dynamic and inclusive community. His efforts highlight the importance of building infrastructure and support systems that cater to the needs of digital nomads, ensuring that Croatia remains an attractive destination for remote professionals.

Through his initiatives, Jan has not only contributed to the local economy but also played a pivotal role in reshaping perceptions about work and mobility. His vision and leadership continue to inspire others to embrace the opportunities presented by the digital age, fostering a spirit of innovation and collaboration that promises to drive Croatia forward into a vibrant future.

Global Work Trends and Business Strategies

From his interactions with digital nomads, Jan de Jong has gleaned unique insights into the evolving landscape of global work trends. These experiences have profoundly influenced his approach to business and leadership. “What employees search for nowadays more than anything is not money but flexibility and more free time,” he observes. This shift in priorities among workers highlights a broader trend towards valuing work-life balance and personal well-being over traditional measures of success.

Jan’s keen understanding of these trends has significantly shaped his business strategies at Webpower Adria. Recognizing that flexibility is a key driver of employee satisfaction and productivity, he introduced a four-day workweek, maintaining the same salary for a 32-hour workweek. This bold move was met with remarkable success. Employees responded positively, showcasing increased productivity and engagement, and the company saw a significant reduction in sick leave. “The results speak for themselves,” Jan concludes, reflecting on the tangible benefits of this approach.

This strategy is more than just a response to market trends; it represents Jan’s forward-thinking leadership style. By prioritizing flexibility, he has created a work environment that aligns with the evolving desires of the modern workforce. Employees feel valued and trusted, which in turn enhances their loyalty and commitment to the company. This focus on employee well-being translates directly into better client service and overall business performance.

Jan’s approach demonstrates that adapting to global work trends is not only beneficial for employees but also for the business as a whole. By fostering a culture of flexibility and respect for personal time, he has positioned Webpower Adria as a progressive and attractive workplace. This not only helps in retaining top talent but also in attracting new, high-quality candidates eager to join a company that values their needs and aspirations.

Jan’s insights into global work trends extend beyond his own company. They offer valuable lessons for other business leaders looking to navigate the complexities of the modern workforce. His example shows that by listening to employees and understanding their evolving priorities, companies can create a work environment that is both productive and fulfilling.

In a world where the definition of work is continually changing, Jan de Jong’s strategies highlight the importance of adaptability and empathy in leadership. His success with Webpower Adria serves as a powerful reminder that the future of work is about more than just profits; it’s about creating a supportive and flexible environment where employees can thrive. Through his innovative practices, Jan continues to inspire others to rethink traditional business models and embrace the opportunities presented by a more flexible and human-centered approach to work.

Innovative Ventures: The Birth of Daidream and Tales of Mello

One of Jan de Jong’s remarkable ventures is Daidream, a company that holds a special place in his heart, especially as a father. This venture perfectly illustrates how personal experiences can spark innovative business ideas. When asked about a particularly inspiring story or breakthrough while developing this company, Jan’s face lights up with the warmth of a cherished memory. “As a father of four small kids, my children are often asking me to tell them stories before going to sleep. I love storytelling, but even I run out of creativity after so many bedtime stories,” he shares.

Then, a serendipitous moment changed everything. “One day, Nevio Buric reached out to me over LinkedIn suggesting a video call. During this call, he told me about his idea, Tales of Mello—a mobile app aimed at kids, enabling them to generate custom stories in which they themselves are the main character, using AI.” The concept was intriguing and immediately resonated with Jan. He recognized its potential to solve a common problem for parents like himself. “In the end, businesses are supposed to solve problems or make lives more convenient, and I felt right away that this mobile app was capable of making a big impact on millions of families around the world.”

That random video call turned into a pivotal moment for Jan, leading him to become a co-founder of Daidream, with Tales of Mello as its flagship product. This innovative app allows children to immerse themselves in personalized stories, fostering their imagination and creativity. The app is now available on both iOS and Android, bringing creative, personalized bedtime stories to countless families worldwide.

The development of Tales of Mello exemplifies how blending technology with creativity can lead to groundbreaking solutions that touch lives in meaningful ways. For Jan, this venture is not just a business success but a personal triumph that bridges his professional expertise with his role as a father. It highlights his commitment to using technology to enhance everyday experiences and solve real-world problems.

Daidream and its flagship product, Tales of Mello, stand as a testament to Jan’s ability to recognize and nurture innovative ideas. His journey with this venture demonstrates the power of collaboration and the impact of seizing unexpected opportunities. By leveraging AI technology, Jan and his team have created a tool that not only entertains but also enriches the lives of children and their families.

Jan de Jong’s involvement in Daidream showcases his entrepreneurial spirit and his dedication to creating solutions that make a difference. His ability to combine personal insights with professional acumen has led to the development of a product that resonates with parents and children alike. This venture is a shining example of how passion, creativity, and technology can come together to create something truly special. Through Daidream, Jan continues to inspire and innovate, proving that the best ideas often come from the heart.

source: Jan de Jong

Maintaining Creativity Across Ventures

Balancing multiple successful ventures is no small feat, yet Jan de Jong manages to maintain a high level of creativity and innovation across various industries and projects. His secret? It’s rooted in his interactions and connections with others. “Mostly by talking and listening to people around me. I get most inspired by the people around me,” he reveals.

This openness to inspiration from his network fuels Jan’s continuous stream of innovative ideas. He recognizes that creativity doesn’t happen in isolation; it thrives in a dynamic environment where diverse perspectives and experiences intersect. By engaging with a wide array of individuals—whether they are colleagues, partners, or members of the community—Jan taps into a rich vein of insights and ideas that keep his ventures fresh and forward-thinking.

Jan’s approach underscores the importance of staying connected and being receptive to the thoughts and experiences of others. This collaborative mindset allows him to see opportunities where others might see challenges, and to draw on the collective wisdom of his network to drive his projects forward.

Moreover, Jan’s ability to maintain creativity across different ventures is a testament to his versatility and adaptability. Whether he is working on technological innovations like Tales of Mello or advocating for digital nomad visas, he leverages the knowledge and inspiration gained from his interactions to fuel his entrepreneurial endeavors.

In a rapidly changing world, this adaptive and open approach is crucial. Jan’s story highlights that staying curious, engaging with others, and being open to new ideas are key components of sustained innovation and success. His journey is a powerful reminder that creativity is not a solitary pursuit but a collaborative effort that flourishes through meaningful connections and ongoing dialogue.

Through his multifaceted ventures, Jan de Jong exemplifies how maintaining a network of diverse, inspiring individuals can lead to continuous innovation and achievement. His ability to balance and excel in multiple projects is a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs, showing that the secret to sustained creativity lies in the simple yet profound act of listening and learning from those around you.

Raising Entrepreneurial Children

Raising his children in a dynamic entrepreneurial environment, Jan de Jong is particularly mindful of nurturing their curiosity and entrepreneurial spirit. His approach to parenting is deeply influenced by his own experiences and the values he holds dear. “Above all, we hope to teach them to be self-confident,” he says with firm conviction. “If you are confident, it is harder to get bullied or influenced by negativity around you.”

source: Jan de Jong

Jan and his wife, who built their lives and careers from the ground up, are determined to instill the same values of ambition and hard work in their children. “We got together when we were still students and did not get any hand-outs. What we have today is a result of ambition and hard work. This is what we teach our children too,” Jan emphasizes. Their journey from students to successful entrepreneurs serves as a powerful example for their children, demonstrating that dedication and perseverance are key to achieving one’s goals.

In their household, fostering an entrepreneurial mindset goes hand in hand with teaching resilience and independence. Jan believes that confidence is a crucial shield against the challenges and negative influences that children might face. By encouraging their children to be self-assured and ambitious, Jan and his wife aim to equip them with the tools needed to navigate the complexities of life.

Moreover, Jan understands the importance of leading by example. His children see firsthand the passion and effort he puts into his work, and this serves as a constant source of inspiration. They learn that success is not a matter of luck but the result of hard work, strategic thinking, and the willingness to take risks. Jan’s dedication to nurturing his children’s entrepreneurial spirit is a reflection of his broader philosophy of life.

He believes that instilling these values at a young age will help his children grow into confident, capable adults who are ready to seize opportunities and overcome obstacles. This holistic approach to parenting, where professional lessons seamlessly blend with personal values, ensures that his children are well-prepared for whatever future they choose to pursue.

In an ever-changing world, Jan’s focus on confidence, ambition, and hard work provides a solid foundation for his children. His story highlights that the principles of entrepreneurship are not just for business but can be vital life skills that empower the next generation to succeed on their own terms. Through his parenting, Jan de Jong exemplifies how the values of entrepreneurship can shape not just careers, but lives.

Reflecting on the Biggest Career Risk

Looking back on his journey, Jan de Jong reflects on the most significant risk he took in his career—moving from the Netherlands to Croatia at the age of 22. “Many people would consider moving from the Netherlands to Croatia at age 22 a bold and risky move. And while it maybe was bold and risky, I never looked at it that way,” he shares. For Jan, entrepreneurship has always represented opportunity rather than risk. “Where some people believe entrepreneurship to be risky, I see it as a great opportunity.”

This move marked the beginning of a new chapter filled with challenges and triumphs. Jan’s willingness to leave his comfort zone and embrace the unknown was driven by his belief in the potential for growth and success in a new market. His youthful optimism and confidence in his abilities allowed him to see the move not as a gamble, but as a strategic step towards realizing his entrepreneurial dreams.

Now, as a father of four, Jan’s perspective on risk has evolved. “Now that I am not in my 20s anymore and now that I am a father to four kids, I do admit that I wouldn’t dare to go all-in on my business like I used to do before,” he admits. The responsibilities of parenthood and the desire to provide stability for his family have led Jan to adopt a more diversified approach. This shift doesn’t signify a retreat from his entrepreneurial spirit but rather a more strategic, measured outlook on his ventures.

Jan’s current approach balances bold ventures with careful planning and risk management. This evolution reflects a maturity that comes with experience and the understanding that risks must be weighed against potential impacts on those who depend on him. By diversifying his interests and investments, Jan ensures that he can continue to innovate and pursue new opportunities while maintaining a safety net for his family.

This balance between boldness and caution is a hallmark of Jan’s professional life. It illustrates how one’s approach to risk can change over time, influenced by personal growth and changing circumstances. Jan’s story is a powerful reminder that entrepreneurship is not about avoiding risks but about managing them wisely and learning to adapt as life evolves.

Jan de Jong’s journey from a young risk-taker to a seasoned entrepreneur demonstrates the importance of resilience and adaptability. His willingness to embrace change and continuously reassess his strategies has allowed him to build a successful career while maintaining a fulfilling personal life. This reflective approach serves as an inspiration to others, showing that with the right mindset, even the boldest risks can lead to remarkable rewards.

Scaling Businesses in a Small Market

Navigating the business landscape of Croatia, a relatively small market, requires strategic ingenuity and a forward-thinking approach. Jan de Jong has adeptly employed content marketing to scale his ventures and attract international attention. “Like in any market, smaller or bigger, I have used content marketing as a way to scale my businesses. Creating content on LinkedIn for nearly five years now has enabled me to open doors, change laws, and scale my businesses,” he shares. His consistent and impactful presence on social media has not only bolstered his business growth but also positioned him as a thought leader in the industry.

Jan’s mastery of content marketing has been a key driver of his success. By sharing valuable insights and engaging stories on platforms like LinkedIn, he has built a robust online presence that transcends geographical limitations. This strategic use of social media has allowed him to connect with a global audience, attract new business opportunities, and influence key stakeholders. His ability to leverage digital platforms to amplify his message demonstrates the power of modern marketing in expanding business reach, even from a small market like Croatia.

For young entrepreneurs contemplating a move to a new country to pursue their dreams, Jan offers invaluable advice based on his own experiences and challenges. “Learn as much as you can about that country, its people, the culture, their values, and the market you are entering with your company,” he advises. Understanding the local context is crucial for success in any new environment. This deep dive into the cultural and economic landscape helps entrepreneurs navigate potential pitfalls and align their strategies with local expectations and norms.

Jan emphasizes the importance of showing up every day with the goal to excel. “Show up every day with the goal to be the best at what you do,” he asserts. This dedication is the foundation of entrepreneurial success. Consistent effort and a relentless drive to improve are essential components of building a successful business. Jan’s own journey reflects this commitment to excellence, serving as a powerful example for aspiring entrepreneurs.

He also highlights the significance of building a strong team. “As soon as you can afford it, hire great people who can help you accelerate the growth of your business. Nobody grows a big business by themselves. It takes a great team to run a company. The better you are at creating that team, the more successful you will be,” he advises. Jan’s recognition of the value of a skilled and dedicated team underscores the collaborative nature of successful ventures. By surrounding himself with talented individuals who share his vision, he has been able to scale his businesses and achieve remarkable results.

Jan de Jong’s approach to scaling businesses in a small market offers a blueprint for other entrepreneurs looking to make their mark. His strategic use of content marketing, combined with a deep understanding of the local context and a commitment to building strong teams, has enabled him to overcome challenges and seize opportunities. Through his insights and experiences, Jan continues to inspire and guide others on their entrepreneurial journeys, proving that with the right strategies and mindset, success is achievable anywhere.

Jan de Jong’s journey from a young, ambitious entrepreneur in the Netherlands to a transformative force in Croatia’s digital landscape is nothing short of inspiring. His story is one of bold moves, visionary ideas, and unwavering dedication to his dreams. Through his ventures, Jan has shown that success is not just about seizing opportunities but also about creating them, even in the face of challenges.

Jan’s ventures, such as Daidream and its flagship product, Tales of Mello, highlight his commitment to solving real-world problems and enhancing lives through technology. His ability to balance multiple successful ventures while nurturing his children’s curiosity and entrepreneurial spirit is a powerful example of integrating personal and professional aspirations.

In reflecting on his career, Jan’s willingness to embrace risks, such as moving to Croatia at 22, underscores his belief that entrepreneurship is more about opportunity than danger. His experiences as an expatriate have given him a unique perspective on identifying opportunities and fostering growth in a small market like Croatia.

For those aspiring to pursue entrepreneurial dreams in a new country, Jan’s journey offers invaluable lessons. His advice to understand local cultures, show up with dedication, and build strong teams is rooted in his own experiences and success.

Jan de Jong’s story is a beacon of hope and inspiration for anyone looking to carve their path in the world. His blend of professional success, personal fulfillment, and community impact demonstrates that with vision, hard work, and a bit of daring, we can all create meaningful change. As we continue to explore the limitless possibilities of a flexible, fulfilling lifestyle, Jan’s journey reminds us that the pursuit of our dreams is always worth it.

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